I've heard this scripture quote three times recently, and I'm supposed to pay attention:

First time I heard it, or read it actually, was several months ago. Someone sent the passage to me it to me in a text message and I looked it up myself. This was before I'd accepted the gift, and still, I found it to be very comforting. That was months ago.
Almost two weeks ago, while driving to my internet free vacation I was listening to a sermon from my friends church (the Discovering your Diving Destiny one) and Pastor Pete mentioned this passage as one of his favorites. Volume on my iPod was too low for this sermon so I had a hard time hearing, and Pastor Pete read/spoke through it very quickly. I ran the iPod back to listen again, because I'd thought I'd heard something familiar. Then I paused and opened my bible to find the passage. Yes, it was what I'd read before.
Then today at work I was talking about it, telling how I'd listened to the sermon and that I'd recognized the passage from a few months ago when it had been shared with me.
The third instance of coming across the passage was after I came home from work (after having worked only 7 hours, as demanded by my boss). I was reading through some of Brody Harper's Positive Post Tuesday links. I came across this scripture again on Dale and Linny's blog.
Third time's a charm. Jeremiah 29:11, I'm paying attention now.

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