I have the coolest daughter in all of the world. My Alison is 17 years old and is finding her way in this world. Her beauty continues to grow and glow (although I do have to say I don't like that thing in her nose)

She has struggled and I'd be a liar if I tried to tell anyone that the past 3 years have been easy. Alison has gone from despising me, to finally liking me again. And through all this, I've loved my Alison.
She has been my Alison her entire life. Most people refer to their children by their first name, but I've almost always referred to her as my Alison. It started when she was born. I would talk to my Aunt Dottie and Uncle George about her, and as they have an Alison of their own, I added the my in front of Alison to differentiate mine from theirs. But it stuck. She's always been my Alison. And from there, her older brother became my Josh.
Some people refer generically to their kids as 'the kids' and I've always referred to mine as my kids. I'm proud of my kids. Same thing. But it started with my Alison.
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