Again, can't say if my Stats suck on Sunday cause I really don't know. But here's my list of randomness for the week:
- Saturday I went skiing with Sheila. Met her at 8:30 and we went up to Mt. Rose and skied our fool hineys off. I'd texted Stoney on our way there, inviting him to join for the afternoon (not figuring he'd be up and ready any time soon). He arrived about11. Sheila and I had already done about six runs. The three of us did another four and Sheila left on account of her legs screaming at her. Stoney and I skied another three of four runs, my energy fading fast with each run. The final run I slid down a good way on my back, totally spent!
- On my way home I stopped at REI and checked out the garage sale. Didn't find anything I couldn't live without (but bought a thermous bottle anyway). I rented a pair of snowshoes for Mark ...
- A mile from home, waiting at a red light to turn left, a 14 yr old boy (TJ) got hit by a car. Right in front of me. The car that hit him was turning left, into the crosswalk where TJ had the WALK sign flashing and all. I checked.
- I just called TJ's mom Kim (got her number from the accident scene). He's feeling much better, has two fractures and a pulled ligament in his knee. The car was very low and his knee took the brunt of the impact. They see a specialist tomorrow and may have to go in and surgically remove bone chips that are loose in his knee. Mom Kim said she (they) appreciated the prayers, and I told her I would continue to be thinking of them all.
Mark and I went snowshoeing and it didn't kill him. Not even a little bit. Far from the nightmare memories he has of snowshoeing as a kid. We were on a well packed trail and neither of us sank at all. It was a beautiful day, the lake was gorgeous with clouds laying low on the surface of the water. There was a Stellar Jay and possibly a Grey Jay hopping around the trees squawking at us.- After snowshoeing, we stopped and had lunch and played some pool. Had my hiney handed to me. My game has really gone to the dogs since we don't have a table in the office any more.
- All in all, (except for poor TJ), it was a nice weekend.
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