Sunday, August 31, 2008


Not that I give a rats butt about stats (I don't even follow them) but because I'm the joiner that I am, now that I have a blog I write my thoughts out on, I may as well.

Here's my day

  • Read morning blogs - including Brody Harper, Our Daily Bread, Utmost for His Highest and more. While reading Utmost for His Highest, I pulled up BibleGateway and read the passages referenced, and in doing so got all wrapped up and wanted to write about what I was reading, and thus ...
  • Created my blog Life Is Good - where I barely scratched the surface of what was on my mind. Parable of the Sower. I've got to figure out my comfort zone in writing this. I'm not really writing for anyone but myself, but then again, what if someone else reads it? Gotta keep that in mind.
  • Listened to good music and a sermon from a couple weeks ago
  • Went to the Sparks rib cookoff and took ribs to a friends house and ate like we might never eat again. Really, there is no reason to eat so much food
  • Home, to more blogs
  • Spent hours talking with a friend, trying to help him find a peaceful spot in his head

The Parable of the Sower

Mark 4:1-20

At different times in life, we are all different kinds of people. At age 14, I was the second example, where the seed was sown, but I wasn't ready and had no roots. Then for years after, I was the barren rocky path, no chance for the seed to take root.

But God kept putting me in the life of people who had more seeds. Many a seed was wasted on me, but I think all that time, those friends and people were softening my hardened ground.

Then, without even my knowing, I was sent/placed in a position where all the prepping and ground work that had been done, making my soil ripe and ready to receive the seeds, and I was ready receive the gift.

And here I am now, ready for the next steps in my journey.